Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sling Things

So we have one sling that she is now too big for, at least to be cradled in:

She can use this one for the hip carry and front-facing carry, but she is yet too small for it, and too large to cradle this way.

One that can only be used standing up:

The Snugli we have is older than this one, so it's a little different. But she really digs it most of the time.

And one that she screams in:

Disappointing, because I really like this one.

...and now that she is over 3 months old, she is now so self-aware and Mommy-aware that she screams, WAILS, whenever I leave her sight. Not only that, but she needs to be constantly stimulated and occupied, or she gets fussy. Meaning, no longer contentedly snoozing in her baby seat.

I am frustrated. I need to hit the lottery so I can buy a larger version of the top sling, and one of these:

It's called a BabyHawk, and it's completely customizable. You pick the fabric, color, inserts, hoods, linings, pockets, etc. Expensive, but super-cool and comfy for Mom and baby, and it also can be used for the back carry, which I'm looking forward to.

Any moms have recommendations for other slings?

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