Saturday, April 18, 2009

I have been terrible at posting lately, so I am making it up to you!

Right now, I am moody, exhausted from PaciBaby's newly discovered love for 2 am, 3 am, and 4 am, scared to death because there is a slight chance that the damn birth control pills I have been relying on have suddenly decided that not only making me a crazy person is fun, but that HEY, YOU SHOULD HAVE ANOTHER KID RIGHT NOW- need I go on?

So instead of reading about my whiny drivel for another second, I introduce: CUTE KID.

How on earth does she sleep this way?

And yes, I do realize that she is so freaking cute, I could eat her alive, but most days, instead of snuggly cuteness, I get this:

I might very well lose my mind.

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