Friday, March 27, 2009

save your ammunition for somebody else, I'm all second chances

So PaciBaby has mild torticollis, a shortening of the muscle on one side of her neck. It's resulted in her constantly tilting her head to one side and looking in one direction, and has affected her ability to lift her head when on her stomach and look around. She was diagnosed at her two month well baby visit when the doctor noticed that she could not lift her head when on her stomach (she was previously able to do this) and that she has a flat spot on the right side of the back of her head. That's the side she always turns it to. It's usually a result of her in-utero positioning, and the amount of room she had in there.

She has physical therapy weekly, and thus far she is making wonderful progress. She is turning her head from side to side with nearly full range beautifully. She doesn't like the home exercises, however. The goal for next week is to get her to touch her tummy and to bring her hands together, intentionally. She doesn't look down at her body, and is usually looking upwards towards the ceiling, or at eye-level. If she doesn't learn to look down, it becomes more difficult to teach her that she has a body, with fingers, toes, and a tummy, and this can slow other developments a bit. We've been working on these goals.

I bought her a swaddler this week, a blanket that keeps her swaddled instead of just wrapping her in a receiving blanket that she can kick out of, and she has been sleeping better in it most of the time. I can't believe we deprived OURSELVES out of the wonders of this invention for twelve weeks. I could kick myself.

She is coming up on her three-month birthday on the 30th, and I'm stunned. I swear I just gave birth yesterday. I'm trying to look back and see where all this time went! She has changed so much, learned an incredible amount, and is becoming more beautiful every day. Her smiles and giggles make me laugh even at 3 am when I am irritated to death and beg for sleep. She is learning to hold her head up when sitting up, supported. She is tracking things with her eyes, side to side. She is laughing when she finds things funny, and finds the camera intriguing.

I'm still not sure what I believe about her head and anything that may be going on there, but I am going to let it go until her four month well-baby checkup, unless anything drastic happens.

I am looking forward to everything the future brings the three of us, and we are enjoying every minute with this little munchkin! Now if only she would sleep...

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