Friday, February 27, 2009

Home From Tennessee!

Chad, PaciBaby, and I just returned from a five day trip to Tennessee to spend with his family - his father and sister had not gotten to meet the baby yet, as Mom and Josh had come out when she was born. It was a very long drive as always, nine hours each way. We left nearly 1 am last Wednesday night and drove through the night to arrive the next morning, then stayed until this past Tuesday morning.

Nana and PB, reunited

Grandpa meeting PB for the first time

Aunt Cassidy and PB

We had a great time there. We were able to relax a lot more during the day because his family was so wonderfully eager to help out with her. She only slept well for one night, though (getting up every four hours is considered a good night, a bad night is every ninety minutes or more).

Sunday morning we awoke to a beautiful snowfall before church:

Now, THAT is one of the zillions of reasons I miss living up north, or even just a little farther north. There are only 3 seasons here: hot, warm, and rainy.

PaciBaby was weighed on their home scale Friday morning, and she weighed in at a hefty 9.6 lbs! (9 lbs, 9 oz.) Today, a week later, she should be weighing in about ten pounds. She has her two-month well baby visit on Monday, so we will get the official measurements then! My little one is getting chunky. Speaking of chunky, diaper changes + chubby baby thighs = DESIGN FLAW.

I have all kinds of updates on her, but they will wait until the two-month letter. The biggest one, however, cannot wait - in the last two weeks, she has started "social smiling", then in the last 48 hours, those are REAL smiles, plus now she's cooing! It melts my heart every single time. I am so excited that she is developing so quickly - it's weeks earlier than we expected, based on her adjusted age! She has such a little personality now, and is much more alert and active. She responds to everything in her environment in some way.

She is such an adorable little monkey. More later!

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